is a display that shows an input series with volume data overlaied on it. This is typically used by plug-ins that perform volumetry and segmentation.
"type": "VolumeOverlay",
"options": {
"colorMap": {
"S1": "#ff000088",
"S2": "#00ff0088"
Data Preparation​
The plug-in results (results.json
) must contain an array data containing the volume information in the following format:
volumeId?: number;
name: string;
origin: [number, number, number];
size: [number, number, number];
rawFile?: string;
: (default: 0) The volume ID which this overlaid volume corresponds to.name
: Required The name of this volume (e.g., "spleen", "left-upper-lobe")origin
: Required Where to overlay the volume.size
: Required The size of the volume in pixels.rawFile
: (default:${name}.raw.gz
) The file name of the overlaid voxel data.
For example:
"results": {
"volumes": [
{ "name": "S1", "origin": [120, 35, 80], "size": [233, 152, 25] },
{ "name": "S2", "origin": [145, 40, 93], "size": [180, 93, 19] }
Your array should usually be located at results.volumes
, but this can be configured via the dataPath
option. This is useful when you want to display two different series of volumes in one screen.
Raw Voxel Data​
In addition to the text/numerical data output to results.json
, the plug-in must output the voxel data itself as a gzipped 1 bit/voxel RAW file. In the case of the example above, you must prepare a RAW file called S1.raw.gz
, which is a gzip-compressed binary data that will be 42000 (Math.ceil(120 * 35 * 80 / 8)
) bytes when decompressed. The first bit corresponds to the voxel at (0, 0, 0), and the next bit, (0, 0, 1), and so on.
interface VolumeOverlayOptions {
volumeId?: number;
dataPath?: string;
colorMap?: { [key: string]: ColorDefinition };
defaultColor?: ColorDefinition;
only?: string[];
: (default: 0) The ID of the base volume to display.dataPath
: (default: "results.volumes") Changes where to read the volume data from.colorMap
: (default: {}) Colors of the overlaid volumes. The keys are the names of the volumes defined in the results file.defalutColor
: (default: 'ffff0088') The fallback color used when there is no matching key incolorMap
: (default: undefined) If an array of names is set, only shows the volumes with the names specified here.