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The LesionCandidates display presents volumes with marks of interest.


LesionCandidates example


"feedbackKey": "lesionCandidates",
"caption": "Lesion Candidates",
"type": "LesionCandidates",
"options": {
"maxCandidates": 3,
"feedbackListener": {
"type": "Choice",
"options": {
"personal": [
{ "caption": "Yes", "value": 1 },
{ "caption": "No", "value": 0 }

Data Preparation

The plug-in results (results.json) must contain an array data containing the locations of points in the following format:

id?: number;
rank: number;
confidence: number;
volumeSize: number;
volumeId?: number;
location: [number, number, number];

metadata in the plug-in results can contain additional options for each volume. That can contain display options in the following format:

interface displayOptions: Array<
volumeId?: number,
window?: {
level: number,
width: number
crop?: {
origin: [number, number, number],
size: [number, number, number]

For example:

"metadata": {
"displayOptions": [
"volumeId": 0,
"window": {
"level": 152,
"width": 356
"crop": {
"origin": [20, 6, 0],
"size": [636, 728, 128]
"results": {
"lesionCandidates": [
"rank": 1,
"confidence": 0.475554,
"volumeId": 0,
"location": [235, 234, 77],
"volumeSize": 11.74
"rank": 2,
"confidence": 0.474043,
"volumeId": 0,
"location": [333, 216, 73],
"volumeSize": 11.02
"rank": 3,
"confidence": 0.469355,
"volumeId": 0,
"location": [241, 221, 84],
"volumeSize": 3.91

Your array should usually be located at results.lesionCandidates, but this can be configured via the dataPath option. This is useful when you want to display two different series of candidates in one screen.


interface MarkStyle {
color?: string;
dimmedColor?: string;
radius?: number;
width?: number;

interface LesionCandidatesOptions {
dataPath?: string;
feedbackListener?: DisplayDefinition | null;
maxCandidates?: number;
markStyle?: MarkStyle;
confidenceThreshold?: number;
sortBy?: [keyof LesionCandidate, 'asc' | 'desc'];
excludeFromActionLog?: boolean;
  • dataPath: string: (default: "results.lesionCandidates") Changes where to read the location data from.
  • feedbackListener: { type: string; options: any }: Can be used to collect feedback data for each displayed candidates. See below.
  • maxCandidates: number: The maximum number of candidates that can be displayed.
  • markStyle: (defalut: magenta circle) The radius [mm], color and line width of the mark.
  • confidenceThreshold: number: If set, candidates with confidences below this value will be excluded.
  • sortBy: (default: ['rank', 'asc']) Sorts the displays according to the key.
  • excludeFromActionLog: boolean: (default: false) If set to true, nothing will be recorded to the action log regarding this display.

Nested Dispaly to Collect Feedback

You can use feedbackListener option to collection feedback for each lesion candidate displayed on screen.