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Building a Plug-in

This page explains how to build your CIRCUS CS Plug-in. We assume the basic understanding of Docker.


You can find example plug-in examples in the following repository:

1. Build Your Main Executable

As described in the previous page, a program written in any language can work as a CIRCUS plug-in. Ensure the following:

  • Your executable (and sub-processes) does not have network access. Your image must be self-contained.
  • Your executable must be able to read input data from /circus/in/ and output results to /circus/out/.
  • Your executable must end with a status code of 0 if it has finished processing successfully.
  • (Optional) Your executable can print log text into the standard output (stdout), which will help troubleshooting when something went wrong.

/circus/in and /circus/out do not have to be hardcoded. We recommend making these paths configurable via command-line arguments. You can then specify these paths via the CMD line in the Dockerfile.

During the development...
$ my-detector --in=./test-images --out=./out
COPY ./my-detector /
CMD /my-detector --in=/circus/in --out=/circus/out

2. Write the plugin.json Manifest File

Create a JSON file called plugin.json. This is a manifest file that contains the plug-in name, version, author, etc.

"type": "CAD",
"pluginName": "My-Detector",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Detects something",
"icon": {
"glyph": "calc",
"color": "#ffffff",
"backgroundColor": "#000000"
"displayStrategy": [
"caption": "Results",
"type": "VolumeOverlay"
"feedbackKey": "evaluation",
"caption": "Score",
"type": "Numeric",
"options": {
"minimum": 1,
"maximum": 5,
"multipleOf": 1

Note that you cannot write comments in the real JSON file.

This must be the string literal "CAD".
The name of this plug-in. It is not used internally to distinguish plugins, but please choose one that is as unique as possible.
The version of this plug-in. Must be semvar-compatible.
The icon of this plug-in.
The icon of this plug-in. See packages/circus-icons for available glyphs.
Color of the icon. Must be in the 6-digit hex format (e.g., #ffff00).
Background color of the icon. Must be in the 6-digit hex format.
An array of objects that describes how to display the plug-in results by default. For details of how this works, read Presenting CAD Results. If you want examples, refer to Built-in Displays reference pages.

icon and displayStrategy values can be overwritten after the installation via the administration screen of CIRCUS. Think of them as the default values.

3. Write the Dockerfile

There is little that's special here, but make sure the following:

  • plugin.json is located at the root directory (/plugin.json).
  • There is a CMD line that locates to your main executable along with the desired arguments. A minimum Dockerfile will look like this:
FROM ubuntu:20.04
COPY ./my-cad
CMD /my-cad --input=/circus/in --output=/circus/out

4. Build the Image

$ docker build

5. Test Your Plug-in

  1. Make a directory similar to this:


    The contents of the in file can be downloaded via CIRCUS web UI (You need a downloadVolume global privilege).

  2. Run the following.

    $ docker run --rm my-cad:1.0.0 -v /test-dir:/circus

    The --rm option auto-deletes the container after the container's main process has finished.

  3. Investigate the test-dir/out directory and see results.json and other output files are correctly generated.

6. Pack and Distribute

To pack your docker image into a tar.gz archive, do:

$ docker save my-detector | gzip > my-detector-1.0.0.tar.gz

Then this archive can be loaded into another machine like so (*.gz files are automatically unzipped):

$ cat my-detector-1.0.0.tar.gz | docker load

Alternatively, your image can be hosted in Docker Hub or any other container registries.

7. Install the plug-in

Refer to the admin page: Registration of CS Plug-ins


Plug-ins are identified using the SHA-256 image hash. Thus you cannot change the content of the plug-in after installing it. When you have modified the content, rebuild the image and re-install it with a different version.