Permanent Access Tokens
When you want to programmatically access CIRCUS REST API, or when you want to use DICOM Storage Server to upload DICOM series from imaging modalities, you need to generate a permanent access token for a user.
Generating a Permanent Token
Via Web UI
Select [Tool] - [Access Tokens] in the top menu.
Generate a new token by clicking the "Add new token" button. Input a short text that describes the purpose of this token.
Store the generated token securely to somewhere. You cannot display this token again.
The access token must be stored securely. Someone who knows this access token will be able to perform anything on behalf of the associated user.
Attach to Bash in the CIRCUS container (see Installation), and run the following commands.
# /circus/ &
# cd /var/circus/circus-api
# node circus add-permanent-token <LOGIN-NAME-OR-EMAIL>
Using a Permanent Token
The generated token can be used to access CIRCUS API. For details, refer to the Developer Guide.